Mikvah in Portugal
Universal Noah UN in UN
Synergy is the combination of two
UN HQ Menorah Lighting Dec. 16, 2020
Upcoming Celebration Event
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin a laoreet magna, nec interdum nibh. Aliquam at lacinia arcu. Fusce vulputate mauris quis eros efficitur vehicula. Sed eget volutpat ipsum. Duis eget dui facilisis, interdum sapien a, rhoncus dolor. Sed pulvinar risus vel metus blandit, non consequat risus rhoncus.
UN Secretary General and Rabbi Y. D. Cohen 2018
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Rabbi Yakov David Cohen 2018 Let’s keep showing all people that we care. Let’s
2016 High Level Forum of Parliamentarians
July 21, 2016 High Level Forum of Parliamentarians The coalition was established in order to achieve global peace and reconciliation
Culture of Peace 9 14 2018 in UN
INAUGURATION OF THE MULTI TRACK COUNCIL for the SDG's and A CULTURE OF PEACE Conference Room 11 September 14, 2016 UN
Institute of Noahide Code INC in UN and DC events 2018
The Institute of Noahide Code INC proposes a strategic alliance with the United Nations post 2030 agenda to promote the
UN HQ Chanukah party 2018
For Immediate Release: 12/06/18 The first ever Menorah lighting at the United Nations was organized by Rabbi Yakov David Cohen,
UN HQ Purim 2019
B"H The Institute of The Noahide Code at the United Nations has been especially active in 2018 throughout New