Institute of Noahide Code
Bridging Cultures, Building Peace.
Empowering Together, Inspiring Change.
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What is​

At the Institute of Noah Code, we're committed to promoting peace, understanding, and unity among people of all backgrounds. Rooted in the belief in the Oneness of God Almighty, we uphold the timeless wisdom of the Noahide Code—a set of universal principles that form the bedrock of a harmonious society. Through our initiatives in religious diplomacy, education, and advocacy at platforms like the United Nations, we strive to spread this message of unity and respect.

The Good Card

Divine Image eBook

The 7 Laws Course

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UN HQ Chanukah party 2019- 2020

This Chanukah lighting a Menorah made by the late Mr. Harry Hirsch a World War I soldier that fled the

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G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and Hava (Eve), the first human beings.

G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and Hava (Eve), the first human beings.

G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and Hava (Eve), the first human beings.

G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and Hava (Eve), the first human beings.

G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and Hava (Eve), the first human beings.

G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and Hava (Eve), the first human beings.

G-d gave the first six commandments to Adam and Hava (Eve), the first human beings.

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